As seen in KJ: @foreveryoursbetty wears our Chromology tee 💌

The tangerine-haired, colourful and gorgeous Scottish based lifestyle blogger and freelance events & PR consultant @foreveryoursbetty was seen in our Chromology print earlier this week..

Betty wears an XXL (for a relaxed fit) and the white colourway in our Chromology tee.

Betty teamed our much-loved Teemill Chromology t-shirt with a punchy pair of trousers , a striped roll-neck and orange faux fur. She coined the look her 'go-to magical outfit combo whenever I don't want to feel perceived but still want to feel myself.' Betty is a self-confessed 'Dopamine-Collector' and we can resonate with her approach to colour and style so much!

Teemill x Kitty Joseph

The Chromology Tee

Available in 10 base colours with sizes ranging from a XS - XXXXL, the Chromology tee has something for everyone. Made with Certified Organic Cotton and produced in a renewable energy powered factory. Also available in kids sizing via the button below! 
